Pause for a moment to consider the rhythms of nature, and how you can build that rhythm into your own life.
You are designed to live within nature’s rhythms! You’re not the exception that can just go and go, forever and ever without end.
Think of the seasons, as they progress in predictable rhythm throughout the year:
The days become longer, and shorter.
The trees become full, and then dormant.
There are hints everywhere of the changes that arise as the seasons proceed.
Your life calls for rhythm, as well.
How can you follow your own design, and create pauses to refresh?
September is the month of the Autumn Equinox, when the days and nights are equal in length. As we proceed into Autumn, the days will shorten as the nights lengthen.
Autumn is a wonderful season for harvest, review and completion. The shortening days signal a time to complete tasks and prepare for the resting season of Winter.
How can you live during these months with an awareness of the season, so that you invite this seasonal flavor into your life and activities?
Your body, mind, nervous system and creative energies will all benefit as you integrate these phases of the year into your own life!
Winter will follow Autumn, with its pause for renewal. Try to prepare now with Winter in mind, so you can integrate the sense of Winter’s pace into your own rhythm when it arrives.
The trees provide a model for us, as they observe the seasons.
Consider how trees withdraw into their roots in winter, pulling their energy underground where they rest, absorb, and replenish themselves. They look completely dead above the ground! But below ground they are busy restoring themselves.
They do not retreat because they are weak, selfish, lazy or unreliable!
They do it because their inner wisdom knows that they’ll need that energy in the coming seasons of abundance, when they’re replete with fruits and flowers.
They do it to avoid burnout.
Following its cycles, “nature’s calendar” has rest and rhythm built right in. You can use it as a guide to consider how you, too, can step away from the relentless pace of modern life, and return to a more wise, self-loving structure to your days.
Blessings to you this season!