My Birthday Ritual

Every year I write in my birthday journal. The journal comes out once a year, and I write my recollections of the year; the main events and milestones about travel, health, career, creativity, family, friends, and more. I add snippets about books I’ve enjoyed, world events, what I’m weighing or wearing or thinking…whatever I want, in order to capture the moment, make it come alive again and distinguish one year from another, when I read it later on.

The following year I’ll take a look back at this year’s entry, as I place another year’s history onto the pages.

Here’s how I do it:

I keep notes all year. Two or three times a year I’ll add to my notes about what I want to remember!

When I get the journal out, I’ll first write spontaneously without looking at the notes, about what’s happening that day and how I’m feeling. I may go on then to record the main events from memory, before looking at my notes.

Next I’ll look at the notes to fill in the blanks.

I’ll then write about what I anticipate for the year ahead…what I think I’ll be doing, need to do or want to do.

Finally I take a look at last year’s entry! Looking over those pages will prompt even more thoughts to fill in, about how things turned out, and anything else I’m prompted to remember.

Then, the birthday journal goes back on the shelf until next year!

30 years ago a friend suggested this to me, and I’ve been doing it ever since. She read or heard about it somewhere, and to whomever or wherever the idea originated, I am grateful.

So, somewhere I have a record of each year. I’ve been through a few journals and a few moves, and occasionally couldn’t find the journal on its appointed day, so I’d need to get another! There are also a couple of years of paper in a binder.

I don’t always do it on the exact day. This year I did! Sometimes it’s later that week, or even that month (luckily my birthday’s on the 3rd!).

Overall it’s a wonderful way to recollect and witness myself. Jotting down the notes during the year is fun, and a real testament to a life well lived, as the list grows. Accomplishments, projects, new classes or opportunities. Sad passings, and all that those involve. Challenges and setbacks as well, and how I dealt with them.

This year I took two wonderful trips to my favorite places, and also got my home treated for termites! Those were the main events. I got new clients, created new things, planted seeds (with varying degrees of success), and got involved in new things as I always do.

My birthday was a week ago, and the journal still sits here for review and any additional thoughts. Then back onto the shelf it will go, holding precious memories of another year of living as fully as I am able.

What do you think of this journal idea? I’m a Virgo, so this list-making approach is just delightful to me. Do you think you’d do this or something similar? Maybe an art journal or album, letters written to yourself, or a video? Even a collection in a box.

Try to review and record your life in some way as it goes by, to honor the passage of your experiences and precious, unique-to-you perspectives.

Wishing you well on your own birthday, and all the experiences you’ll have to record! Let me know what you do!

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